Hook is a magical adventure that experiments with the story Peter Pan and tell a side that has never been seen before. American actor Robin Williams does an amazing job to bring this beloved British character to life. It shows what happens to adults when they loose there imagination and he goes on an epic adventure to remember. Like films in the 80s and 90s a lot of special effects where done and not all CGI, unlike most of today's fantasy films.
The Sets
Back then these sets where some of the largest sets ever built. They were built at the Sony studios on different sound stages. It took 6 months to construct them all so they would be ready for filming. All the details were carefully created to build these perfect sets and capture the feeling of Never land .
Over size sets where created so that Tinkerbell would look like she was really small.This is not really used in this film industry today because it would be cheaper to create them on a computer.
During filming to represent where Tink would be a light would be shining and when she moves the light would move, this was to help the actors understand where that character is and helped with pr production so they know where they need to put that character in the frame. Her flying was done on wires in front of a blue scene.
Tinkerbells wings where put on her in pre production and as you can tell she doesn't always have them.
Like all the hooks in all the peter pan movies and plays they made a fake hook that would go over his hand to make it look like there isn't a hook. Obviously that massive eye brows and the mustache was fake as well as the wig.
Peter Pan
Obviously one of the main effects of Peter Pan is the flying. all of this was done on wires however mot in front of a green or blue screen. Even though this effect was used in the film for the sky and when Peter is flying high. Peter Pan usually is flying on the sets, this gives the ability to react with characters.
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